Simple Steps to Control Erosion On Project Sites
Erosion can be a big problem, especially on construction sites. These simple steps will have a positive effect when controlling erosion and sediment problems on your next job.
Minimize disturbed areas
Control the territory of your project by working only in the necessary areas involved. Controlling the areas that are being worked on will reduce the erosion and sediment movement on the site. Keep as much natural vegetation as possible and do not disturb areas that have topsoil in place. Removing natural vegetation will disrupt the soil structure.
Create sediment traps or ditch
Direct runoff water to a prepared sediment trap. It can be controlled by redirecting water with diversion ditches located at the up-slope side of a construction site.
Stabilize Soils
Many permits require stabilization measures. Some temporary measures can include hydro-seeding, mulch, blankets, etc. If the stabilization measure is permanent it can vary from permanent seeding, planting, channel stabilization and green buffer. Make sure you use quality products to ensure the work will last.
Pro Tip: Incorporate CarbonizPN Soil Enhancer and Nutri-Release into your hydroseeding tank for quick and lasting results.
Slope protection
There are multiple options for erosion and sediment control on slopes that depend on the degree of inclination of the slope. Measures such as silt fence, fiber rolls, geo-textiles, turf blanket, and mats can be used as slope protection.
Storm inlet protection
Providing protection against erosion and sediment control on a storm drain inlet can be achieved by using silt fence, rock-filled bags, or block and gravel. The type of measure used will depend on the type of drain inlets opening and the flow that it is expected to receive.
Construction entrance
Stabilized construction entrances will reduce sediment being carried away by construction vehicles. It is recommended to have two construction entrances, formed regularly by large crushed stone areas.
Inspect for signs of erosion
Inspection is the key when working with sediment and erosion problems. Inspect your project after a storm event or just after a small rainfall. By conducting small routine inspections you will be able to prevent erosion on the project site.
Tell us about your successful erosion control methods using the hashtag #MirimichiGreen on Instagram or Twitter.
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