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You Need To Know The Importance Of Organic Soil Matter

In order to know the importance of organic soil matter, it is necessary to understand what it is. According to Cornell University’s Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, soil organic matter is the fraction of the soil that consists of plant or animal tissue in various stages of decomposition.

Having organic soil matter incorporated into the soil profile offers many benefits. This matter increases the ability to hold nutrients, all while reducing leaching and fertilizer needs. The soil’s ability to hold nutrients is called cation exchange capacity (CEC) and every growing plant or grass needs the basic nutrients in the soil to survive and grow. Soil organic matter also increases available water capacity by aerating the soil structure and reduces compaction.

Not having organic soil matter for sports field soil presents many issues. Sand-based fields that are unamended dry out quickly. A sand field without an organic amendment makes it difficult to for players and can contribute to injuries because it lacks cohesion. Large divots are often the result of sand fields with no organic matter incorporated.

Non-sand-based fields can also benefit from organic matter because it gives proper structure to the soil which permits water drainage. Without organic soil matter, loamy and clay soils become extremely dense which causes plants or grass roots to not grow as deep. The more compact the soil is, the less aerated it is. Regardless of the type of soil, this matter is necessary for successful plant or grass growth.

An ideal organic soil amendment to add to any soil type is Mirimichi Green’s CarbonizPN Soil Enhancer. CarbonizPN Soil Enhancer is a professional blend of premium organics and USDA Certified Biobased Carbon that remains in the soil to increase fertility and water absorption while decreasing nutrient leaching. CarbonizPN reduces water, fertilizer and chemical input needs. The structure of the soil amendment helps to aerate the soil and reduces compaction. Due to the carbon in the product, it is able to optimize pH and increase nutrient uptake (CEC) all while being natural, sustainable and safe.


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