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Pictured here is Mirimichi Green biochar awaiting incorporation into one of our soil amendment products.

The Magic of Biochar: A Sustainable Solution for Modern Landscape Management


As the CEO of Mirimichi Green, I am proud to be at the forefront of sustainable and innovative solutions for modern agriculture. One of our core ingredients is biochar, an incredible material that has been used for centuries to improve soil health and fertility. In this blog post, we will dive into the fascinating history of biochar, its characteristics, current trends, and an overview of the product landscape for companies producing biochar products.

A Brief History of Biochar

Biochar has a rich history that dates back over 2,000 years. Its origins can be traced to ancient Amazonian civilizations, where indigenous people created a highly fertile soil called “terra preta” (meaning “black earth” in Portuguese). By incorporating biochar into the soil, they were able to transform nutrient-poor, highly weathered soils into highly productive agricultural lands. This ancient wisdom has been rediscovered in recent years, sparking a renewed interest in biochar and its potential to address modern agricultural challenges.

What Makes Good Biochar and Less Good Biochar?

Biochar is created through a process called pyrolysis, which involves heating organic matter (such as wood, crop residues, or manure) in a low-oxygen environment. The quality of biochar can vary greatly depending on the feedstock and production process. Here are some key factors that determine the quality of biochar:

  1. Feedstock: The type of organic material used to produce biochar plays a significant role in its final properties. High-quality biochar is typically derived from clean, uncontaminated sources such as wood, agricultural residues, or dedicated energy crops. Low-quality biochar, on the other hand, may be produced from materials containing contaminants or high levels of ash, which can negatively impact its effectiveness in soil.
  2. Pyrolysis temperature: The temperature at which the organic material is heated during pyrolysis can affect the structure and properties of the resulting biochar. Higher temperatures generally yield biochar with higher carbon content, increased porosity, and greater stability in the soil. Lower temperatures may result in less stable biochar with lower carbon content.
  3. Processing and activation: High-quality biochar may be further processed to enhance its properties, such as activation with steam or chemical treatments. These processes can increase biochar’s surface area, making it more effective at retaining nutrients and water in the soil.

Current Trends in Biochar

There has been a surge in interest and research on biochar in recent years, driven by its potential to address various agricultural and environmental challenges. Some of the current trends in biochar include:

  1. The Magic of Biochar: A Sustainable Solution for Modern Landscape Management: Biochar’s ability to sequester carbon in the soil has garnered significant attention as a potential strategy for mitigating climate change. By locking away atmospheric carbon dioxide in a stable form, biochar can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  2. Soil health and productivity: Biochar has been shown to improve soil fertility, increase water retention, and promote beneficial microbial activity. As a result, farmers and gardeners around the world are increasingly adopting biochar as a soil amendment to boost crop yields and enhance soil health.
  3. Waste management: The production of biochar can help address waste management challenges by converting agricultural, forestry, and other organic waste materials into a valuable soil amendment. This not only reduces waste volumes but also helps prevent the release of greenhouse gases from decomposing organic matter.
  4. Water and air pollution control: Biochar has been demonstrated to effectively remove pollutants from water and air, making it an attractive option for environmental remediation efforts. Its porous structure and large surface area enable biochar to adsorb contaminants, improving water and air quality.

Analysis of the Current Product Landscape for Biochar

As the demand for biochar grows, an increasing number of companies are entering the market to offer various biochar products. The current product landscape can be broadly categorized into the following segments:

  1. Raw biochar: This category includes biochar products that are sold in their most basic form, without any additional processing or additives. Raw biochar is typically marketed for use in agriculture, horticulture, and landscaping applications.
  2. Enhanced biochar: Some companies are offering biochar products that have been enhanced with additional nutrients, minerals, or microbial inoculants to improve their performance as soil amendments. These products are designed to provide added benefits, such as increased plant growth, improved nutrient availability, and enhanced soil biological activity.
  3. Customized biochar blends: To cater to the specific needs of various industries and applications, some companies offer customized biochar blends that combine biochar with other soil amendments, such as compost, peat, or vermiculite. These blends can be tailored to address specific soil conditions.

The Main Biochar Companies

Please note that the current product landscape is constantly evolving, and some new players may have entered the market. Here are a few prominent companies in the biochar industry and their offerings as of this writing:

  1. Mirimichi Green: Our own company, Mirimichi Green, produces high-quality biochar products derived from sustainably sourced wood waste. Our signature product, CarbonizPN, is an enhanced biochar that combines activated biochar with organic nutrients and beneficial microbes, making it an ideal soil amendment for various agricultural, horticultural, and landscaping applications.
  2. Cool Planet: Cool Planet’s Cool Terra® biochar products are made from sustainably sourced biomass and are designed for use in agriculture, turf, and horticulture. They offer both raw and enhanced biochar options, with some products containing added nutrients and microbial inoculants to promote plant growth and soil health.
  3. Biochar Supreme: This company offers a range of biochar products under their Black Owl Biochar™ brand. Their offerings include raw biochar, as well as blends with compost and other soil amendments. Biochar Supreme’s products cater to various applications, from agriculture and gardening to environmental remediation.
  4. Pacific Biochar: Pacific Biochar offers a variety of biochar products sourced from sustainably managed feedstocks. Their offerings include raw biochar, biochar-compost blends, and biochar-based soil amendments for different agricultural and horticultural applications. Pacific Biochar also provides custom biochar solutions tailored to meet specific client needs.
  5. Wakefield Biochar: Wakefield Biochar is known for producing high-quality biochar products suitable for agricultural, horticultural, and environmental applications. They offer both raw biochar and biochar blends, including a product called Soil Reef, which combines biochar with worm castings and compost for an enhanced soil amendment.
  6. European Biochar Foundation (EBF): As a non-profit organization, the EBF is committed to promoting the responsible production and use of biochar in Europe. They offer a certification program called the “European Biochar Certificate,” which sets quality standards for biochar products in the region. Certified biochar products in Europe adhere to these standards, ensuring high quality and sustainability.

In comparing these companies and their products, factors to consider include the quality and sustainability of the feedstocks used, the production methods employed, the presence of added nutrients or microbes, and the specific applications for which the biochar is designed. As a consumer or business owner, it’s essential to carefully evaluate each product and company to determine which biochar solution best aligns with your requirements, values, and sustainability goals.


At Mirimichi Green, we are passionate about providing sustainable solutions for modern agriculture, and biochar plays a pivotal role in our mission. We understand that navigating the world of biochar can be complex, and we are here to help you make informed decisions that align with your needs and goals.

As the CEO of Mirimichi Green, I am personally invested in fostering a deeper understanding of biochar and its numerous benefits. If you have any questions about biochar or would like to discuss how our products can support your agricultural, horticultural, or environmental projects, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly. I am always happy to engage in meaningful conversations and help you find the best solution for your unique requirements.

Together, let’s continue to explore the potential of biochar and its ability to revolutionize sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship.

Russ Britton

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